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1. Replace [Name of Partner/agent] with partner/agent’s name

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<title>Tyrone Jones | Home Partners of America</title>

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1. Replace [URL you want the client logo to link to] with URL e.g. http://www.google.com

2. Replace lib/img/img-client-logo-fpo.jpg with the image URL of the hosted Client Logo

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<a href=[URL you want the client logo to link to]” target=”_blank”><img src=”lib/img/img-client-logo-fpo.jpg” class=”imgresponsive

alt=”client logo”></a>

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1. Replace [INSERT LOCATION] with partner/agent’s Location

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<p>Are you close to being able to buy a home but aren’t quite ready? Did you just move to Georgia, Metro Atlanta Area and aren’t sure

where you want to live? Do you need to rent right now but really want to buy a home in a couple years? Home Partners’ Lease

with a Right to Purchase Program may be right for you.</p>

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/* ***** EDIT THE LINES BELOW: ***** */

1. Replace lib/img/img-headshot.png with the image URL of the hosted headshot image

2. Replace Sheila Jones with new with partner/agent’s name

3. Replace HPA - Gold Agent with new with partner/agent’s title

4. Replace [Link to contact Partner/Agent] with Partner/Agent’s URL e.g. http://www.google.com

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<img src=”lib/img/img-headshot.png”>

<p>Tyrone Jones</br>

   Sales Agent</br>

<a href=”tyronejsr@gmail.com” target=”_blank” title=”contact me”>contact me <i class=”fa fa-angle-doubleright”></



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1. Replace [three/five] with new duration

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<p>Home Partners provides responsible households with a clear and transparent path to homeownership through its Lease with

a Right to Purchase Program. This program provides [five] years of rent certainty with only a one-year financial commitment

on the lease.</p>


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1. Replace [three/five] with new duration

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<p>As with a standard lease agreement, Home Partners requires you to sign a lease for a year and make a security deposit.

Unlike a standard lease agreement, you will have renewal options providing five years of rent certainty and the right to

purchase the home at a price established when you enter the Right to Purchase Agreement, in accordance with the terms of the

Agreement. You can also select the home that you want to live in from those eligible and available for sale in communities Home

Partners serves &ndash; enabling you to live in a neighborhood today where you might not otherwise find a suitable home to






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1. Replace [three/five] with new duration

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<p>Your initial lease is for one year, so your financial commitment is limited to one year. Your lease is renewable every  year for

Five one year periods, and you have the right to notify Home Partners if you don’t want to renew the lease. Your full security

deposit will be returned as provided in the lease if you decide to leave the home at the end of a lease period and have been in full

compliance with the lease.</p>

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1. Replace [UTM LINK] with the created UTM link.

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<a href=”tyronej” target=”_blank” title=”Apply to the Lease with a Right to Purchase Program” class=”blue”>Apply to the


with a Right to Purchase Program <i class=”fa fa-caret-right”></i></a>